Rod Williams / Rodcom1000
I created the Original Vindicators to fill a void I felt existed in a genre that was very special to me, the Superhero comic.
Due to a traumatic event in my childhood I was left fearful and unable to trust people in general. That was until I found a bag of old comics my brother left behind when he went away to college. In this bag I found amazing tales of heroics and adventure that captured my imagination and provided me with a way to fight my fears.
Superheroes became my rolemodels. They were strong and confident and I wanted to be like them. But there was a lack of diversity in comics and over the years I discovered there weren’t many heroes I identified with so I set out to create my own. Using friends and family as the basis for my characters I created the Original Vindicators.
I originally published 'The Vindicators' back in 1993, but being inexperienced self publishing the book never reached nation-wide distribution needed to sustain itself. This time we're armed with not only with more great art and stories, but a more mature understanding of the business and the means to make the Original Vindicators better than ever.

Contributing Artist

Leonardo M. Giron a.k.a s2ka, works as a textbook illustrator for a small Philippine based book design studio. With many years of experience adapting to several different art styles, from realistic to anime, he now ventures out to the comic book world doing freelance work for a number of independent comic book creators and publishers. I was lucky enough to meet Leonardo when I started the Vindicator reboot. He been vital part of bringing the OV vision to life and a good friend.
More of s2ka’s work can be seen at here.

James Harren, I managed to do some page and design work on Original Vindicators #0 with James. He also helped refine some of the Original Vindicator concepts as well as producing some stunning inks. He's now entered the pro ranks and after just a few short years he has already emerged as a well respected storyteller and gifted inker. He is now the artist on such Dark Horse titles as B.P.R.D. and CONAN.
For more on James check him out here.

Filipino artist Kim Jacinto is one of the youngest new artists at Marvel Comics. He's worked on books like Venom, Indestructible Hulk, and Thunderbolts. I was fortunate enough to be able to work with him on Original Vindicators #1 for what turn out to be a spectacular first issue.
For more on Kim check him out here.

Philippine-based Jhomar Soriano is an illustrator and father of three. His published works are MR. GRIEVES and ARKHAM WOODS for Seven Seas Entertainment, where each has been awarded in the 2007 and 2009 International Manga Award of Japan and LIAR'S KISS, a crime-noir graphic novel for Top Shelf Productions, RETROPUNK and many more.
For more on Jhomar check him out here.
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